Fresh Baked Community Recipes — bake bread
Susie Fishman

Simple Small Batch Challah
This small batch challah recipe yields a very manageable amount of dough to work with for rookie challah bakers or just perfect if you have a small crowd for Shabbat dinner. Yields 2 medium loaves or about 12 individual challah rolls.
Susie Fishman

Quickie Pizza Cause I Want Pizza Now
Quickie pizza dough cause I can’t wait! I love the organic shape of homemade pizza and the chance to customize toppings. This is my take on the 2 ingredient yogurt bread dough. I didn’t have self-rising flour so I took matters into my own hands and added some yeast and water and a little salt. So ok now we are up to 5 ingredients but seriously- what would you do for super easy fresh pizza that doesn’t take all day? This recipe makes 4 8" single serve pizzas. 1 for you and 3 for me. PIZZA DOUGH 425g bread flour (about...
Susie Fishman

You Will Not Believe This Healthy Paleo Bread
There. I said it. This is a gluten-free, paleo bread that is so delicious that your family will ask for it and have no idea it is healthy. Sweetened with honey, it is a guilt-free pleasure.
Susie Fishman

Apples and Honey Madeleines with CINNAMON SHTIK®
It’s a cookie! It’s a cake!…. It’s a cakie! Madeleines are simply delicious, look pretty and are a crowd-pleaser.
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