Quickie pizza dough cause I can’t wait! I love the organic shape of homemade pizza and the chance to customize toppings.
This is my take on the 2 ingredient yogurt bread dough. I didn’t have self-rising flour so I took matters into my own hands and added some yeast and water and a little salt. So ok now we are up to 5 ingredients but seriously- what would you do for super easy fresh pizza that doesn’t take all day?
This recipe makes 4 8" single serve pizzas. 1 for you and 3 for me.
425g bread flour (about 3 cups)
10 g Kosher salt (about 1 heaping Tablespoon)
1 packet of yeast, 7g
100g full fat plain GREEK yogurt (about a generous 1/4 cup)
200 ml warm water (about 7 fluid ounces)
Swirl water and yeast together in the mixing bowl. Let sit and get bubbly for about 7 minutes.
Mix in yogurt.
Then mix in flour and salt.
Make a shaggy dough. Let it sit for 3 minutes.
Knead the dough for 5-7 minutes in a stand mixer or 10 minutes by hand until smooth.
Let it rise in a warm spot for 30-40 minutes. Should double in size.
Cut into 4 wedges.
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Put the pizza pan in the oven on the middle rack to get hot while you roll out the dough. Put a baking pan with sides on the lowest rack so it gets hot too.
Roll each wedge out into a rough circle.
If you want, you can put some coarsely ground cornmeal on your work surface and roll out the dough on that so the cornmeal is on the bottom of the dough. This helps it not stick to the pan. You could also put the dough on parchment paper.
One at a time, put the dough rounds on your pizza pan and carefully pour some water into the lower baking pan so it steams. Quickly shut the oven.
Let it bake for about 7 minutes. Then remove the dough round from the oven and top with your choice of sauces, veggies and cheese. The less sauce the better and try not to use wet veggies- if you roast your veggies ahead of time or use leftover veggies that you cooked last night all the better. Veggies can hold a lot of water and that can make the pizza soggy. If they are roasted then that water has already come out.
I like marinara sauce, shredded cheese, chopped or carmelized red onion, topped with torn basil and more cheese. Sprinkle Aleppo pepper. I also like pesto, mushroom, mixed cheeses and a sprinkle of garlic. But you do you and top as you please!
Brush the crust with olive oil if you like.
Now back into the oven for another 7 minutes until the cheese and crust look toasty. Keep an eye on it. It may need more time in your oven. My oven has a mind of its own!
Repeat for the remaining dough rounds.
Fast pizza. So good.